german version
You found your way here. Great! I am glad about that.
If you want to contact me, please use the data in the imprint below ;-)
The telephone number I have given here is the one from my workplace. It's public anyway.
Monday to Thursday you can reach me there between 9 am and 5 pm and on Friday from 9 am to 3 pm. Outside these hours, please leave your message on the answering machine. I will call you back.
My private flea market
From time to time I sell private things that have had their day at my place on ebay. Here you can find my offers.
It goes without saying that I also sell things outside the ebay platform.
Most of the time I put only a small part of what is actually for sale on ebay anyway. Just ask.
By the way, there will be a small shop here soon where all the used stuff can then be found.
Mainly used IT, clothing and literature. However, what's gone is gone and won't come back.
This planned shop is not run with a profit motive, but for reasons of sustainability.
I try to give things a second life before disposing of them.
Sometimes I also put things in front of the house that can just be taken away.
These are usually things for which the ratio between the work involved in putting them up on ebay and the price that can be obtained is not good.
Music yes, but not the band from Florida
Apparently there is a music group from America, Florida to be precise, founded in 2003, that claims the same name, crypticvision. I registered the internet domain here on 26 March 2002. I have been on ebay under the name since 15 September 2001. That was well before the band was formed. I have no connections to this band whatsoever. Originally the name referred to my Black Metal time in the 90s, which I am still positively attached to. Now, however, it also fits quite well with my interests in blockchain technology. Maybe more about that later, or at another place.
I am not completely averse to music. But it depends on the music. You can visit my profile on here: crypticvision@discogs
Don't let that stop you from buying either. ;-)
But you can also get the things directly from me. Do me a favour and write me if you are interested in something. Then I can save the fees there.
Many pieces from my collection, which I am gradually thinning out, are still in their original packaging and therefore like new.
I feel myself to belong to dark music, which is quite in line with my misantrophic way of life. But just see or listen for yourself.
If you are interested in my musical taste, just have a look at my Bandcamp profile. I've only been there since 2015, but it certainly doesn't hurt to take a look outside the box. Far away from the mainstream and the bad radio music.
Plain language